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LaliBlue : World Day : Day of Afro Culture brooch [PRE-ORDER]


Product image 1LaliBlue :  World Day : Day of Afro Culture brooch [PRE-ORDER]
Product image 2LaliBlue :  World Day : Day of Afro Culture brooch [PRE-ORDER]
Product image 3LaliBlue :  World Day : Day of Afro Culture brooch [PRE-ORDER]
Product image 4LaliBlue :  World Day : Day of Afro Culture brooch [PRE-ORDER]
Product image 5LaliBlue :  World Day : Day of Afro Culture brooch [PRE-ORDER]
Product image 6LaliBlue :  World Day : Day of Afro Culture brooch [PRE-ORDER]

Regular price $ 67.95 AUD

[Note: Pre-orders close on 26th May. Expected delivery at Broochaholic HQ is early/mid June] 

Let's celebrate the World Day of African and Afro-descendant Culture wearing this beautiful brooch!

On January 24, is celebrated the richness of African culture, its rhythms, its art, and the wonderful influence it has had on culture around the world.

 7 x 5.5 cm brooch, made of illustrated wood, adorned with rings and beads.

 Original illustration and design by LaliBlue. Made entirely in our workshop in Spain.


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