Cherryloco : Cecripia Moth Brooch or Necklace

Regular price $ 128.95 AUD
The cecropia moth is a stunning norturnal giant silk moth with intricate wing pattern adorned with eye spots and commas.
They are said to symbolize transformation, intuition and always searching for the light in the dark and can represent a person’s journey through life’s twists and turns.
My interpretation of the cecropia moth measures 11 cm in width and made using 66 different segments carefully hand assembled in place. I have used charcoal shimmer crackle acrylic, marble, gloss and metallic acrylic with engraved wood antennae. The brooch is secured to a large 45mm brooch bar and the necklace is suspended from an 18 inch allergy free black plated curb chain with 4 inch extender.